Cheng Qian

This is Cheng Qian’s personal homepage.

A short introduction

I am an undergraduate student studying at Tsinghua University, majoring in Computer Science and Technology. My research interests primarily lie in the field of agent design and its interaction with human, with a particular focus on agent tool utiliization and creation.

In 2023 summer, I worked with Sherry Wu (CMU Human-Computer Interaction Institute) on the analysis of knowledge conflicts (e.g. from tools, retrieval, etc.). In previous research, I have investigated agent’s tool creation ability, and how to transfer the tool utilization ability to open-source assistants.

Looking forward, I will be joining UIUC PhD program, starting from Fall 2024. If you are interested in my research or would like to collaborate, please feel free to reach out to me.

Recent Research Focuses:

  • Explore the agent design with robust tool using ability.
  • Propose CREATOR to help automatic tool-creation.
  • Adapt tool-using ability to open-source agents as personal assistant.


(*indicates equal contribution)

Cheng Qian, Chenyan Xiong, Zhenghao Liu, Zhiyuan Liu. Toolink: Linking Toolkit Creation and Using through Chain-of-Solving on Open-Source Model. NAACL 2024 Main.

Yujia Qin*, Cheng Qian*, Jing Yi*, Weize Chen, Yankai Lin, Xu Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun and Jie Zhou. Exploring Mode Connectivity for Pre-trained Language Models. EMNLP 2022 Main.